Summer Programs

2025 SUMMER READING PROGRAM at the Garnavillo Public Library 

"Color Our World" 

The summer program sign up begins June 3, 2025.

  • The sign up for the summer challenge will begin on June 3rd, 2025.  Come into the library and sign up for the program and tell us how many books that you plan on reading for the summer program. Come check out all the grand prizes we have on display at the library for the 2025 program. 


  • Contracts will be available at the circulation desk. Librarians will fill out the information and then the child will sign the contract, the contract stays at the library. The reading log will also stay at the library and for every book that you read you will be given a sticker to add to the reading log page. Contracts must be completed by Saturday July 26, 2025  to have your name put in for the grand prize drawing in your reading level.


  • There will be a BONUS / SPECIAL drawings this year – sign up for this every time you come to the library to check out books. We are planning on having some “Grab & Go craft activities” through out the summer that you take home and assemble.
  •  We will be having in-library programs that we are hoping can be held outside in the lot to the North of the Library building when the weather cooperates.  
  • The candy jar guessing game event will be an activity that you will be able to sign up for during the summer program.
  • Everyone who signs a contract will receive a bag of "GOODIES” at the end of the program. All prize drawings will be on July 30, 2025. Updates can be found in the newspapers, Facebook and on our library website. 

Come to the library to sign up for the program or send an email to the

  •  Stay tuned for more information that will be posted here on the library website or on the Garnavillo Public Library FACEBOOK page.  All programs are on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM. 

PROGRAMS SCHEDULED FOR THE SUMMER *** Check out the Library FACEBOOK page for photos.

  • June 11: with Samantha Corsbie
  • June 18: with LuAnn Kahle
  • June 25
  • July 2: - with Osborne Nature Center
  • July 9: with Lisa Robinson
  • July 16:  
  • July 23


  • Pictures of the the weekly programs will be posted on the Garnavillo Public Library Facebook page and in the local newspapers.